haruspice - tradução para Inglês
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haruspice - tradução para Inglês

Hepatoscopy; Haruspices; Haruspicy; Entrail reading; Aruspices; Extispacy; Extispicy; Aruspice; Haruspice; Extispicium; Hepatomancy; Haruscpication; Reading entrails; Haruspication; Ritual disembowelment
  • Diagram of the bronze liver of Piacenza
  • Mari]], dated to the 19th or 18th century BC.
  •  center
  • Relief depicting a haruspex from the Roman Temple of Hercules

n. filasse; cord, rope


·noun A diviner of ancient Rome. ·same·as Aruspice.



In the religion of ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural haruspices; also called aruspex) was a person trained to practise a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina), the inspection of the entrails (exta—hence also extispicy (extispicium)) of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry. The reading of omens specifically from the liver is also known by the Greek term hepatoscopy (also hepatomancy).

The Roman concept is directly derived from Etruscan religion, as one of the three branches of the disciplina Etrusca. Such methods continued to be used well into the Middle Ages, especially among Christian apostates and pagans.

The Latin terms haruspex and haruspicina are from an archaic word, hīra = "entrails, intestines" (cognate with hernia = "protruding viscera" and hira = "empty gut"; PIE *ǵʰer-) and from the root spec- = "to watch, observe". The Greek ἡπατοσκοπία hēpatoskōpia is from hēpar = "liver" and skop- = "to examine".

Exemplos do corpo de texto para haruspice
1. Je voulais juste décrisper l‘atmosphère.» Dans sa note au collège, Broulis avait pris soin de préciser, noir sur blanc, qu‘il «conviendrait de créer un lien fort entre le Service vétérinaire cantonal et le nouvel haruspice cantonal afin qu‘il puisse se fournir en foie de bœuf sans dépenses supplémentaires». Tous n‘ont pas tout de suite compris le gag...